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Other abbreviations used
A component A (alpha) of a double or multiple star
adj adjacent
B component B of a double or multiple star
B (with number) Barnard's catalogue of dark nebula
C component C of a multiple star
CC concentration class for globular clusters, from I to XII
Cl cluster(s)
cn* central star of planetary nebula
CON constellation see constellation list
d degree
Dbl double star
DEC declination
dl dark lane in galaxy or emission nebula
DN dark nebula
EN emission nebula
G galaxy (with type)
Gal Galaxy
GC globular cluster
IC Index catalogue
" inch, e.g. a telescope of 8" aperture
inv involved
LMC Large Magellanic Cloud
M Messier catalogue
m visual magnitude
mag visual magnitude
Mlt multiple star
[name] the originator of a descriptive name
NE visible with the unaided eye
Neb nebula
NGC New General Catalogue
OC open cluster
OIII An Oxygen III nebular filter is recommended
p photographic magnitude
PA Positions Angles in degrees clockwise from north
Per Period in days
PN planetary nebula
Ri rich in stars
RA right ascension
RN reflection nebula
SEP Separation in arc seconds
SMC Small Magellanic Cloud
SNR Supernova remnant
st star(s)
UHC A filter passing both OIII and Hydrogen Beta is recommended
Var Variable Star
B blue
W white
Y yellow
G green
P purple
O orange.
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