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Abbrevations: Constellations | Other
Must See ObjectsFALL OBJECTS (Northern Hemisphere) - SPRING OBJECTS (Southhern Hemisphere)
7009 Agr PN 21 04.2 -11 22 8.3 0.5 -- Saturn Neb [Lord Rosse]; greenish; 18-in:ansae
61 Cyg Dbl 21 06.9 38 45 5.2,6.1 28" Orange dwarfs
M15 Peg GC 21 30.0 12 10 6.4 12 Core peaks like Mt. Fuji; CC IV
M2 Aqr GC 21 33.5 -00 49 6.5 13 Brightest CC II
Zeta Aqr Dbl 22 28.8 -00 01 4.4,4.6 1.9" Both white
7293 Aqr PN 22 29.6 -20 48 6.5 13 7x50s show Helix Nebula; annular
7662 And PN 23 25.9 42 33 9.2 0.3 Blue Snowball [Copeland]; annular in 10-in
7789 Cas OC 23 57.0 56 44 6.7 16 Ri, 300 faint st
55 Scl G-Sc 0 14.9 -39 11 8p 25x3 4-in: diffuse splinter
104 Tuc GC 0 24.1 -72 05 4.0 31 NE; 47 Tuc: yellow core!; CC III
Beta Tuc Dbl 0 31.5 -62 57 4.4,4.5 27" Both blue-white
M31 And G-Sb 0 42.7 41 16 3.5 160x40 NE; 8-in: two dl, st cloud, GC G1
M32 And G-E2 0 42.7 40 52 8.2 3 M31 group; also M110, NGC147, NGC185
253 Scl G-Sc 0 47.6 -25 17 7.1 22x6 Elongated, mottled; GC NGC 288 adj
SMC Tuc G-Im 0 52.6 -72 48 2.8p 216 NE; Cl, EN inv
281 Cas EN 0 52.8 56 37 7p 35 Use UHC; DN inv
362 Tuc GC 1 03.2 -70 51 6.6 13 Milky Way GC beside SMC; CC III
457 Cas OC 1 19.1 58 20 6.4 13 Airplane Cluster: Splendid
M33 Tri G-Sc 1 33.9 30 39 5.7 60x40 Difficult NE; 8":spiral arms; 16":six EN inv
p Eri Dbl 1 39.8 -56 12 5.8,5.8 12" Both yellow-orange dwarfs
663 Cas OC 1 46.0 61 15 7.1 16 80 st; four OC within 2d
Gamma Ari Dbl 1 53.5 19 18 4.8,4.8 7.5" Both white
Gamma And Mlt 2 03.9 42 20 2.1,4.8 9.6" Gold, blue; C m 6.0, BC 0.5"
Iota Tri Dbl 2 12.4 30 18 5.2,6.6 4.0" Gold, blue
869,884 Per OC 2 19.0 57 09 4.4 30,30 NE; Double Cluster; 350 st
Omicron Cet Var 2 19.4 -03 00 -- -- Mira: orange; watch m rise with NE
891 And G-Sb 2 22.6 42 21 10.0 14x3 Edge-on; 16" shows dl
M34 Per OC 2 42.0 42 47 5.2 35 NE; fine in small scopes
Theta Eri Dbl 2 58.2 -40 19 3.4,4.4 8" Both white
Beta Per Var 3 08.2 40 57 -- -- Algol: NE eclipsing binary
A Per Per OC 3 22.0 48 36 2.3 240 Alpha Per Assoc; use binoculars

Must See ObjectsWINTER OBJECTS (Northern Hemisphere) - SUMMER OBJECTS (Southhern Hemisphere)
ID ConTypeRA(2000)DecMagSize(')Notes
Pleiades Tau OC 3 47.0 24 07 1.2 120 =M45; NE; Merope RN is L-shaped
f Eri Dbl 3 48.6 -37 37 4.9,5.4 8" Yellowish st
32 Eri Dbl 3 54.3 -02 57 4.5,6.1 7" Topaz, greenish
Hyades Tau OC 4 20 15 38 0.8p 400 NE; very large, V-shaped
1851 Col GC 5 14.1 -40 03 7.3 11 CC II
h3752 Lep Dbl 5 21.8 -24 46 5.4,6.6 3.5" Gold, blue; GC M79 36' ENE
LMC Dor GSBm 5 23.6 -69 45 0.6p 432 NE; many EN and Cl inv
M38 Aur OC 5 28.7 35 50 6.4? 21 Difficult NE; OC 1907 and NE OC M36 adj
M1 Tau SNR 5 34.5 22 01 8.4 6 Crab Nebula [Lord Rosse]
M42/43 Ori EN 5 35.4 -05 27 4 66 Orion Neb NE; Trapezium Mlt inv; greenish-gray;
2070 Dor EN/OC 5 38.6 -69 05 8.2 40 NE; Tarantula Neb in LMC
Sigma Ori Mlt 5 38.7 -02 36 3.7 -- Bluish; eight st
2024 Ori EN 5 41.9 -01 51 -- 30 Flame Neb; with branching dl
M37 Aur OC 5 52.4 32 33 5.6 24 Difficult NE; Ri: 150 st
M35 Gem OC 6 08.9 24 20 5.1 28 NE; Ri; OC 2158 and IC 2157 adj
8 Mon Dbl 6 23.8 04 36 4.4,6.7 13" Yellow, bluish
Beta Mon Mlt 6 28.8 -07 02 4.7,5.2 7" C mag 6.1 at 2.8"; three blue-white st
2237+ Mon EN 6 32.3 05 03 -- 80x60 Rosette Neb; UHC reveals DN inv; NE OC 2244 inv
M41 CMa OC 6 47.0 -20 44 4.5 38 NE
M50 Mon OC 7 03.2 -08 20 5.9 16 --
h3945 CMa Dbl 7 16.6 -23 19 5,7 26.6" yellow, blue
2392 Gem PN 7 29.2 20 55 8.3 0.2 Clown-Face Neb [Burnham]; blue-green
Alpha Gem Mlt 7 34.6 31 53 2.0,2.9 3.9" Castor: white, blue-white; C mag 9.1 at 73"
k Pup Dbl 7 38.8 -26 48 4.5,4.8 10" Both white
M46 Pup OC 7 41.8 -14 49 6.1 27 Ri M46 has PN 2438; NE OC M47 adj
M93 Pup OC 7 44.6 -23 52 6.2 22 --
2451 Pup OC 7 45.4 -37 58 2.8 45 Orange c Pup inv
2477 Pup OC 7 52.3 -38 33 5.8 27 300 mag 12 st
2516 Car OC 7 58.3 -60 52 3.8 30 NE
Zeta Cnc Mlt 8 12.2 17 39 5.6,6.0 5.8" Three yellow st; B mag 6.0 at 0.8"
M44 Cnc OC 8 40.1 19 59 3.1 95 NE; Beehive Cluster; many Mlt
IC 2391 Vel OC 8 40.2 -53 04 2.5 50 NE; bright st
Iota Cnc Dbl 8 46.7 28 46 4.0,6.6 30" Yellow, blue
M67 Cnc OC 8 50.4 11 49 6.9 18 --

Must See ObjectsSPRING OBJECTS (Northern Hemisphere) - FALL OBJECTS (Southhern Hemisphere)
ID ConTypeRA(2000)DecMagSize(')Notes
2808 Car GC 9 12.0 -64 52 6.3 14 Brightest CC I
2903 Leo G-Sb 9 32.2 21 30 8.9 11x5 --
M81 UMa G-Sb 9 55.6 69 04 6.9 16x10 6x30 finder shows M81, 82
M82 UMa G-I 9 55.8 69 41 8.4 7x2 13": mottled, two diagonal dl
3132 Vel PN 10 07.0 -40 26 8.2 0.8 Eight-Burst Neb
3201 Vel GC 10 17.6 -46 25 6.8 18 CC X
Gamma Leo Dbl 10 20.0 19 50 2.6,3.8 4.4" Gold, yellow-green
3242 Hya PN 10 24.8 -18 38 8.6 0.3 Ghost of Jupiter; pale blue
3293 Car OC 10 35.8 -58 14 4.7 40 EN+RN+DN inv; incredible tight ball of stars
IC 2602 Car OC 10 43.2 -64 24 1.9 50 NE; Theta Car Cl or "Southern Pleiades"
3372 Car EN 10 43.8 -59 52 3 120 NE; Eta Car Neb; chevron dl; the finest nebula
3532 Car OC 11 06.4 -58 40 3.0 55 NE; 3d ENE Eta Car; Ri, oblate
M97 UMa PN 11 14.8 55 01 11.2? 3.2 Owl Neb; 'eyes' with 6", OIII; G-Sc M108 adj
Xi UMa Dbl 11 18.2 31 32 4.3,4.8 1.8" Yellow pair
M66 Leo G-Sb 11 20.2 12 59 9.0 8x3 Trio with M65, NGC 3628; 16": two arms in M66
3766 Cen OC 11 36.1 -61 37 5.3 12 --
M106 CVn G-Sb 12 19.0 47 18 8.3 20x6 --
ComaBer Com OC 12 25.1 26 06 -- 2.9p 300 NE; very large
M86,etc Vir G-E3 12 26.2 12 57 9.2 7 Heart of Virgo Cl: ten Gs in 1d field
Alpha Cru Dbl 12 26.6 -63 06 0.8,1.2 4.0" Blue-white pair
24 Com Dbl 12 35.1 18 23 5.0,6.6 20" Deep yellow, blue-white
4565 Com G-Sb 12 36.3 25 59 9.6 16x3 Remarkable edge-on; thin dl
M104 Vir G-Sb 12 40.0 -11 37 8.3 7x2 Edge-on Sombrero Galaxy with dl
Gamma Vir Dbl 12 41.7 -01 27 3.4,3.5 1.5" Both pale yellow; closest in 2007
4631 CVn G-Sc 12 42.1 32 32 9.3 15x3 Humpback Whale Galaxy [Hewitt-White];G 4656/7 adj
M94 CVn G-Sb 12 50.9 41 07 8.2 11 Defies moonlight (show on Astronomy Day)
Coalsack Cru DN 12 51 -63 -- 360 NE; OC 4755 (Jewel Box) adj
M64 Com G-Sb 12 56.7 21 41 8.5 8x4 Black-eye G [W. Herschel]; dl
M63 CVn G-Sb 13 15.8 42 02 8.6 8x3 Sunflower G; 7x50s reveal it
Zeta UMa Dbl 13 23.9 54 58 2.3,3.9 14" Mizar: bluish-white, greenish-white; Alcor adj
5128 Cen G-S0 13 25.5 -43 01 7.0 10x3 Cen A; dl from merging spiral
5139 Cen GC 13 26.8 -47 29 3.7 36 NE; Omega Cen: brightest GC; CC VIII
M51 CVn G-Sc 13 29.9 47 12 8.4 11 Whirlpool Galaxy; 8": spiral arms; 5195 inv
5189 Mus PN 13 33.5 -65 59 10p 2.6 Like a barred spiral
M83 Hya GSBc 13 37.0 -29 52 7.6 11 8": bar; 13": spiral arms
M3 CVn GC 13 42.2 28 23 6.4 16 CC VI
M101 UMa G-Sc 14 03.2 54 21 7.7 27 Numerous brighter knots
Alpha Cen Dbl 14 39.7 -60 49 0.0,1.3 21" Yellow pair; closest NE star
Epsilon Boo Dbl 14 44.9 27 05 2.7,5.1 2.8" Izar; deep yellow, blue
5907 Dra G-Sb 15 15.9 56 19 10.4 12x2 Edge-on Splinter Galaxy
M5 Ser GC 15 18.6 02 05 5.8 17 CC V
Zeta CrB Dbl 15 39.4 36 38 5.1,6.0 6.3" Blue, greenish

Must See ObjectsSUMMER OBJECTS (Northern Hemisphere) - WINTER OBJECTS (Southhern Hemisphere)
ID ConTypeRA(2000)DecMagSize(')Notes
6025 TrA OC 16 03.7 -60 30 5.1 12 --
Beta Sco Dbl 16 05.4 -19 48 2.8,4.9 14" White,pale blue
M4 Sco GC 16 23.6 -26 32 5.9 26 Central bar of st; CC IX
Rho Oph Mlt 16 25.6 -23 27 5.2,5.9 3.1" Both bluish; two wide mag 7 companions
Alpha Sco Dbl 16 29.4 -26 26 1.0,5.4 2.9" Antares; beautiful orange, emerald under good cond;
M13 Her GC 16 41.7 36 28 5.9 17 NE; star chains at margins; CC V
M12 Oph GC 16 47.2 -01 57 6.6 15 CC IX
6231 Sco OC 16 54.0 -41 48 2.6 15 NE; False Comet [Whitman]
M10 Oph GC 16 57.1 -04 06 6.6 15 Pair with M12 3d NW; CC VII
M62 Oph GC 17 01.2 -30 07 6.6 14 CC IV
M19 Oph GC 17 02.6 -26 16 7.2 14 CC VIII; oblate
Alpha Her Dbl 17 14.6 14 23 3.5v,5.4 4.7" Orange, blue-green
36 Oph Dbl 17 15.3 -26 36 5.3,5.3 4.6" Orange twins
M92 Her GC 17 17.1 43 08 6.5 11 8": bulging rectangle; CC IV
Pipe Neb Oph DN 17 21 -27 -- 7d long NE; B59, 65, 66, 67, 78
Rho Her Dbl 17 23.7 37 09 4.6,5.6 4.1" Both white
Nu Dra Dbl 17 32.2 55 10 4.9,4.9 62" Both white
M6 Sco OC 17 40.1 -32 13 4.2 15 NE; Butterfly Cluster [Burnham]; four OC adj
6397 Ara GC 17 40.7 -53 40 5.7 26 Easily resolved, st m 10; CC IX
IC 4665 Oph OC 17 46.3 05 43 4.2 41 NE
M7 Sco OC 17 53.9 -34 49 3.3 80 NE; fine in binoculars
M23 Sgr OC 17 56.8 -19 01 5.5 27 NE; Star cloud M24 and OC M25 to east
6543 Dra PN 17 58.6 66 38 8.8 0.3 Cat's Eye Neb; 8": oval, cn*
40-41 Dra Dbl 18 00.2 80 00 5.7,6.0 19" Yellow st
95 Her Dbl 18 01.5 21 36 4.9,5.1 6" Silver, gold
M20 Sgr E/RN 18 02.3 -23 02 6.3 29 Trifid Neb but has FOUR dl; OC M21 adj
B86 Sgr N 18 03.0 -27 53 -- 4.5x3 OC 6520 adj
M8 Sgr EN 18 03.8 -24 23 5.8 90 NE; dl; OC inv [aka "Lagoon Nebula"]
70 Oph Dbl 18 05.5 02 30 4.0,6.0 3.7" Yellow, orange
6541 CrA GC 18 08.0 -43 42 6.6 13 CC III
B92 Sgr DN 18 15.5 -18 14 -- 15x10 In spectacular star cloud M24; B93 adj
M16 Ser EN/OC 18 18.8 -13 47 6.0 35 Eagle Neb; UHC; DN inv: The Star-Queen Neb
M17 Sgr EN/OC 18 20.8 -16 11 6.0 46 Swan Neb [Burnham?]; DN inv
M28 Sgr GC 18 24.5 -24 52 6.9 11 CC IV
M22 Sgr GC 18 36.4 -23 54 5.1 24 Oblate CC VII; 3-in resolves
Epsilon Lyr Mlt 18 44.3 39 40 5.0-6.1 2.6";2.3" The Double-double; four white st
M11 Scu OC 18 51.1 -06 16 5.8 14 Dense; 200 st m 11; DN adj
M57 Lyr PN 18 53.6 33 02 9.0 1.3x1 Ring Neb [W. Herschel]; 16-in at 400x shows cn*
Stru525 Lyr Dbl 18 54.9 33 58 6.0,7.7 45" Albireo-like
M54 Sgr GC 18 55.1 -30 29 7.7 9 CC III; nucleus of the Sgr Dwarf G;16" resolves
6723 Sgr GC 18 59.6 -36 38 7.3 11 CC VII; in superb field of DN, RN, Var and Dbl st
6752 Pav GC 19 10.9 -59 59 5.4 20 CC VI
Beta Cyg Dbl 19 30.7 27 58 3.1,5.1 35" Albireo; yellow, blue
M55 Sgr GC 19 40.0 -30 58 7.0 19 Brightest CC XI
B142/43 Aql DN 19 41 11 -- 80x50 Difficult NE; Fine in binoculars
6826 Cyg PN 19 44.8 50 31 9.8 0.5 Blinking Planetary [Mullaney/McCall]; cn* m 10
M27 Vul PN 19 59.6 22 43 8.1 7 Dumb-bell Neb [J. Herschel]
6940 Vul OC 20 34.6 28 18 6.3 31 Ri
6960 Cyg SNR 20 45.7 30 43 -- 70x6 Veil Neb; OIII; longer Nile-like nebulosity adj
Gamma Del Dbl 20 46.7 16 07 4.3,5.1 10" Yellow, pale green
6992/5 Cyg SNR 20 56.4 31 43 -- 78x8 Veil Neb; OIII; 6992 in 7x50s
7000 Cyg EN 20 58.8 44 20 -- 120 NE; North America Neb [Wolf]; DN inv; UHC
Fnl Cld Cep DN 21 00 55 -- 12d long NE Funnel Cloud Nebula cuts across the Cep/Cyg
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