With the balm of lover's torment Dreaming thus my soul to heal, I, to Kama, God of India, Kamadeva, did appeal. And he came, the child imperious, Riding on a cockatoo, With a winning smile capricious On his lips of coral hue. Wings he had, and in his quiver For his arrow did he keep Naught but scented poison flowers From the Ganges wide and deep. Setting in his bow an arrow, At my breast he aim did take, And since then for ever weeping Do I lie the nights awake. Thus it was a poisoned flower Deep within my breast did send India's child of purple heavens And illusions without end. Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Cu durerile iubirii Voind sufletu-mi să-l vindec, L-am chemat în somn pe Kama - Kamadeva, zeul indic. El veni, copilul mândru, Calarind pe-un papagal, Avind zimbetul fatarnic Pe-a lui buze de coral. Aripi are, iar în tolba-i El pastreaza, ca sageti, Numai flori inveninate De la Gangele maret. Puse-o floare-atunci-n arcu-i, Mă lovi cu ea în piept, Si de-atunci în orice noapte Plâng pe patul meu destept ... Cu sageata-i otravita A sosit ca să mă certe fiul cerului albastru S-al iluziei deserte. 1887, 1 iulie Mihail Eminescu |
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