Arise again, beloved, out of the waves of time With your long golden tresses and marble arms sublime; Your face that now transparent and pale as wax is pale Is shaded by the shadow of sorrow's clinging veil ! Your timid smile caressing does rest within my eyes, O star amidst fair women, o queen of starry skies; Your head upon your shoulder its wealth of beauty lays And in your eyes of wonder I'm lost and weeping gaze. Out of the void's dark vapours may you once more uprear, That to my heart I clasp you, beloved angel dear, That I in nameless weeping above your face may bend And on your lips forever my burning kisses spend. While your cold hand unheeding I clasp against my breast, Closer, yet still closer, against my bosom pressed. Alas, not thus the darkness gives back its own again; Now through its icy vapours I see your shadow wane. With hanging arms and helpless once more I am alone Before a dream unending of hours that have gone; In vain with arms outstretching my soul your shadow craves, Dear one, I cannot reach you amidst time's rolling waves. Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Din valurile vremii, iubita mea, rasai Cu bratele de marmur, cu parul lung, balai - Si fata stravezie ca fata albei ceri Slabita e de umbra duioaselor dureri! Cu zimbetul tau dulce tu mingii ochii mei, Femeie intre stele si stea intre femei Si intorcindu-ti fata spre umarul tau sting, In ochii fericirii mă uit pierdut si plâng. Cum oare din noianul de neguri să te rump, Să te ridic la pieptu-mi, iubite inger scump, Si fata mea în lacrimi pe fata ta s-o plec, Cu sarutari aprinse suflarea să ti-o-nec Si mâna friguroasa s-o incalzesc la sin, Aproape, mai aproape pe inima-mi s-o tin. Dar vai, un chip aievea nu esti, astfel de treci Si umbra ta se pierde în negurile reci, De mă gasesc iar singur cu bratele în jos In trista amintire a visului frumos... Zadarnic dupa umbra ta dulce le intind: Din valurile vremii nu pot să te cuprind. 1883, dec. Mihail Eminescu |
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