With the curtains drawn together, At my table of rough wood, And the firelight flickering softly, Do I fall to thoughtful mood. Flocks and flocks of sweet illusions, Memories the mind recalls, And they softly creep like crickets Through time's grey and crumbled walls; Or they drop with gentle patter On the pavement of the soul, As does wax before God's altar From the sacred candles roll. About the room in every corner Silver webs the spiders sew, While among the dusty bookshelves Furtive mice soft come and go. And I gaze towards the ceiling That so many times I saw, And I listen how the bindings With their tiny teeth they gnaw. O, how often have I wanted My worn Lyre aside to lay; From poetry and solitude At last my thoughts to turn away. But again the mice, the crickets, With their small and rustling tread, Awake in me familiar longings And with poetry fill my head. Once in a while, alas too rarely, When my lamp is burning late, Suddenly my heart beats wildly For I hear the latch-bar grate. It is She. My dusky chamber In a moment seems to glow; As if an icon's holy lustre Did o'er life's threshold flow. And I know not how the moments Have the heart away to sneak, While we whisper low our loving, Hand in hand, and cheek to cheek. Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Cu perdelele lasate Sed la masa mea de brad, Focul pilpiie în soba, Iara eu pe ginduri cad. Stoluri, stoluri trec pin minte Dulci iluzii. Amintiri Tiriiesc încet ca greieri Printre negre, vechi zidiri, Sau cad grele, mingiioase Si se sfarma-n suflet trist, Cum în picuri cade ceara La picioarele lui Crist. In odaie prin unghere S-a tesut paienjenis Si prin cartile în vravuri Umbla soarecii furis. In aceasta dulce pace Imi ridic privirea-n pod Si ascult cum invelisul De la carti ei mi le rod. Ah! de cite ori voit-am Ca să spinzur lira-n cui Si un capat poeziei Si pustiului să pui; Dar atuncea greieri, soareci, Cu usor-maruntul mers, Readuc melancolia-mi, Iara ea se face vers. Citeodata... prea arare... A târziu când arde lampa, Inima din loc îmi sare, Când aud ca suna cleampa... Este Ea. Desarta casa Dintr-o data-mi pare plina, In privazul negru-al vietii-mi E-o icoana de lumina. Si mi-i ciuda cum de vremea Să mai treaca se indura, Când eu stau soptind cu draga Mina-n mâna, gura-n gura. 1878, 1 martie Mihail Eminescu |
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