One wish alone have I: In some calm land Beside the sea to die; Upon its strand That I forever sleep, The forest near, A heaven near, Stretched o'er the peaceful deep. No candles shine, Nor tomb I need, instead Let them for me a bed Of twigs entwine. That no one weeps my end, Nor for me grieves, But let the autumn lend Tongues to the leaves, When brooklet ripples fall With murmuring sound, And moon is found Among the pine-trees tall, While softly rings The wind its trembling chime And over me the lime Its blossom flings. As I will then no more A wanderer be, Let them with fondness store My memory. And Lucifer the while, Above the pine. Good comrade mine, Will on me gently smile; In mournful mood, The sea sing sad refrain... And I be earth again In solitude. Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Mai am un singur dor: In linistea serii Sa ma lasati sa mor La marginea marii; Sa-mi fie somnul lin Si codrul aproape, Pe-ntinsele ape Sa am un cer senin. Nu-mi trebuie flamuri, Nu voi sicriu bogat, Ci-mi impletiti un pat Din tinere ramuri. Si nime-n urma mea Nu-mi plinga la crestet, Doar toamna glas sa dea Frunzisului vested. Pe cind cu zgomot cad Isvoarele-ntr-una, Aluneca luna Prin virfuri lungi de brad. Patrunza talanga Al serii rece vint, Asupra-mi teiul sfint Si-si scuture creanga. Cum n-oi mai fii pribeag De-acum inainte, M-or troienei cu drag Aduceri aminte. Luceferi, ce rasar Din umbra de cetini, Fiindu-mi prieteni, O sa-mi zimbeasca iar. Va geme de patemi Al marii aspru cint... Ci eu voi fii pamint In singurate-mi. 1883, dec. Mihail Eminescu |
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