Of all the ships the ocean rolls How many find untimely graves Piled high by you upon the shoals, O waves and winds, o winds and waves? How many a bird that leaves its bower And o’er the sky in autumn droves You beat and blindly overpower, O waves and winds, o winds and waves? Should easy luck or high endeavour Be our aim it little saves, For you pursue our footsteps ever, O waves and winds, o winds and waves? Still, it is past our comprehending What design your song enslaves, Rolling on until time’s ending, O waves and winds, o winds and waves?< Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Dintre sute de catarge Care lasa malurile Cite oare le vor sparge Vinturile, valurile? Dintre pasari calatoare, Ce strabat paminturile, Cite-o sa le-nece oare Valurile, vinturile? De-i goni fie norocul, Fie idealurile, Te urmeaza in tot locul Vinturile, valurile. Neinteles ramine gindul Ce-ti strabate cinturile, Zboara vecinic, inginindu-l Valurile, vinturile. 1980 Mihail Eminescu |
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