How many a star burns in the firmament, How many a wave the sea before her throws, Gleaming and sparkling fair, yet no man knows What may their meaning be, or their intent. Thus, you may choose the way your footsteps went; High or low though be the path you chose, The selfsame dust, the selfsame earth will close Your heritage in time's oblivion spent. I seem to die, and near the shadowed gate, With funeral dirge and flickering tapers set, The men who are to bear my body wait. O, pleasant shade, come near, come nearer yet, That I may know thee, lord of death's estate, With tall black wings and drooping lashes wet. Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Oricite stele ard in inaltime, Oricite unde-arunca-n fata-i marea, Cu-a lor lumina si cu scinteierea Ce-or fi-nsemnind, ce vor - nu stie nime. Deci cum voiesti tu poti urma cararea. Fii bun si mare, ori patat de crime, Acelasi praf, aceeasi adincime, Iar mostenirea ta si-a tot: uitarea. Parca ma vad murind... in umbra portii Asteapta cei ce vor sa ma ingroape... Aud cintari si vad lumini de tortii. O, umbra dulce, vino mai aproape - Sa simt plutind deasupra-mi geniul mortii Cu aripi negre, umede pleoape. 1878 Mihail Eminescu |
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