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English language
Foreword by Gabriel Ditu
Limba Romana
Cuvint Inainte de Gabriel Ditu
I dedicate these pages to the great Romanian poet Mihail Eminescu, now, when we are celebrating 150 years since his birthday.

I also want to pay homage, to young Corneliu M. Popescu, the person who has translated these poems, making them more accessible to the people beyond the Romanian border.

But in the end, my work was done for you, the person that will take the time to read and understand the soul and the ideas of these poems.

Sydney, 29 January 2000
Gabriel Ditu
Dedic aceste pagini WEB marelui poet roman Mihail Eminescu, acum, cind sarbatorim 150 de ani de la nasterea lui.

Deasemenea, vreau sa aduc un omagiu tinarului Corneliu M Popescu, cel care a tradus toate aceste poezii facindu-le accesibile vorbitorilor de limba engleza.

In final munca mea este dedicata celor care vor gasi timpul necesar pentru a intelege sufletul si ideile acestor versuri.

Sydney, 29 January 2000
Gabriel Ditu
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