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English language
Limba Romana
For me in all existence nowhere such wealth abides
As in the tender secret your gentle beauty hides;
For on what other wonder than that of your sweet charm
Would I a lifetime squander of meditation calm

On legends and on musing, and thus a language mould
That it with fleeting cadence your loveliness enfold
With chains of flowing images, and on it dreams bestow
That it ne'er till time's ending shall to the darkness go?
Today when all my being to your being is bound,
When hid in every sorrow for me a joy is found;
When you to me more lovely than marble do appear
And in your eye is kindled a ray of starlight clear
That while I gaze upon you I feel I must go blind
With so much shining wonder that floods upon my mind;

Today when is my longing so tender and so true
As is the very charm itself that does your form endue,
And stronger is the yearning that our two hearts have known
Than light that yearns for darkness, the chisel for the stone;
When my desire is boundless, so gentle and so high

As on the earth is nowhere, and nowhere in the sky;
When everything about you for me is magic spell,
A smile, a word, a gesture, no matter ill or well;
When you are the enigma of life for me the whole,
Your words now show me plainly you never knew my soul.

Translated by

Corneliu M. Popescu
In ochii mei acuma nimic nu are pret
Ca taina ce ascunde a tale frumuseti;
Caci pentru care alta minune decat tine
Mi-as risipi o viata de cugetari senine

Pe basme si nimicuri, cuvinte cumpanind,
Cu pieritorul sunet al lor sa te cuprind,
In lanturi de imagini duiosul vis sa-l ferec,
Sa-mpiedec umbra-i dulce de-a merge-n intunerec
Si azi cand a mea minte, a farmecului roaba, 
Din orisice durere iti face o podoaba,
Si cand rasai nainte-mi ca marmura de clara,
Cand ochiul tau cel mandru straluce in afara,
Intunecand privirea-mi, de nu pot sa vad inca
Ce-adanc trecut de ganduri e-n noaptea lui adanca,

Azi cand a mea iubire e-atata de curata
Ca farmecul de care tu esti impresurata,
Ca setea cea eterna ce-o au dupa olalta
Lumina de-ntunerec si marmura de dalta,
Cand dorul meu e-atata de-adanc si-atat de sfant

Cum nu mai e nimica in cer si pe pamant,
Cand e o-namorare de tot ce e al tau,
De-un zambet, de-un cutremur, de bine si de rau,
Cand esti enigma insasi a vietii mele-ntregi...
Azi vad din a ta vorba ca nu ma intelegi!

1886, 15 martie

Mihail Eminescu
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