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English language
Limba Romana
"Why do you wail o forest trees,
Forest, without rain or breeze,
Your branches ill at ease? "
"How indeed should I not wail
When the hours of Sumner fail !
Nights grow longer, days get short,
On my branches few leaves caught,
And the winds with bitter sword
Drive my choristers abroad;
Autumn winds that forests flay,
Winter near, spring far away.
How indeed should I not groan
When my singing birds have flown,
And across the frozen sky
Flocks of swallows hurry by,
And with them my fancies fly
Leaving me alone to sigh;
Hurly on as time in flight
Turning day half into night,
Time that o'er the forest rings
With a fluttering of wings...
And they pass and leave me cold,
Nude and shivering and old;
For my thoughts with them have flown,
And with them my gladness gone !"

Translated by

Corneliu M. Popescu
- Ce te legeni, codrule,
Fara ploaie, fără vint,
Cu crengile la pământ?
- De ce nu m-as legana,
Daca trece vremea mea!
Ziua scade, noaptea creste
Si frunzisul mi-l rareste.
Bate vintul frunza-n dunga -
Cintaretii mi-i alunga;
Bate vintul dintr-o parte -
Iarna-i ici, vara-i departe.
Si de ce să nu mă plec,
Daca pasarile trec!
Peste virf de ramurele
Trec în stoluri rindunele,
Ducind gindurile mele
Si norocul meu cu ele.
Si se duc pe rând, pe rând,
Zarea lumii-ntunecind,
Si se duc ca clipele,
Scuturind aripele,
Si mă lasa pustiit,
Vestejit si amortit
Si cu doru-mi singurel,
De mă-ngin numai cu el!

1883, dec.

Mihail Eminescu
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