So delicate, so pure you are As April’s snow-white cherry bloom; An angel come to earth, a ster That does within my chamber loom. The silken carpet at your thread Whispers softly and you seem, From tiny foot to high poised head, To float as lightly as a dream. Amidst your mantle’s hanging folds Your hands like burning marble glow. Your magic all my spirit holds, Your eyes that brim both joy and woe. Your beauty like a dream beguiles, Fair as a bride’s in legends old; Smile not, dear heart, because your smiles Are beauty in your face retold. How surely neath the cloak of night Could you destroy me with your charms, A burning word of love’s delight, A single clasp of your cold arms. And now a veil of meditation Creeps, and clouds your eyes’ deep fire; The shadow of renunciation, The shade of sweet, unquenched desire. You go, I understand too well To try to keep you by my side; For me forever lost, farewell, O strange and lovely legend’s bride ! To gaze on you itself was wrong, How can I ever make amends, Save by lamenting all life long The happiness that this day ends. As Mary’s icon now you glow With holy light that cannot wane Wearing a halo on your brow. O come to me, come back again ! Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Atat de frageda, te-asemeni Cu floarea alba de cires, Si ca un anger dintre oameni In calea vietii mele esi. Abia atingi covorul moale, Matasa suna sub picior, Si de la crestet pana 'n poale Plutesti ca visul de usor. Din incretirea lungii rochii Resai ca marmura in loc ... S'atarna sufletu-mi de ochii Cei plini de lacrimi si noroc. O vis ferice de iubire, Mireasa blanda din povesti, Nu mai zimbi! A ta zimbire Mi-arata cat de dulce esti. Cat poti cu-a farmecului noapte Sa 'ntuneci ochii mei pe veci, Cu-a gurii tale calde soapte, Cu 'mbratiseri de brate reci. De-odata trece-o cugetare, Un val pe ochii tei ferbinti: E 'ntunecoasa renuntare, E umbra dulcilor dorinti. Te duci; s'am inteles prea bine, Sa nu ma tin de pasul tau, Perduta vecinic pentru mine, Mireasa sufletului meu! Ca te-am zarit e a mea vina, Si vecinic n'o sa mi'o mai iert, Spasi-voi visul de lumina Tinzandu-mi dreapta in desert. S'o sa 'mi resai ca o icoana A pururi verginii Marii, Pe fruntea ta purtand coroana ... Unde te duci? Cand o sa vii? 1879, 1 sept. Mihail Eminescu |
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