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English language
Limba Romana
O mother, darling mother, lost in time's formless haze
Amidst the leaves sweet rustle you call my name always;
Amidst their fluttering murmur above your sacred grave
I hear you softly whisper when ever the branches wave;
While o'er your tomb the willows their autumn raiment heap...
For ever wave the branches, and you for ever sleep.

When I shall die, beloved, do not beside me mourn,
But break a branch of blossom that does the lime adorn,
And take it very softly, and plant it at my head;
I'll feel its shadow growing as on the soil it's shed,
And watered by the tears that you for sorrow weep...
For ever grow that shadow, and I for ever sleep.

And should it be together that we shall die one day,
They shall not in some cemetery our separate bodies lay,
But let them dig a grave near where the river flows
And in a single coffin them both together close;
That I to time eternal my love beside me keep...
For ever wail the water, and we for ever sleep.

Translated by

Corneliu M. Popescu
O, mama, dulce mama, din negura de vremi
Pe freamatul de frunze la tine tu mă chemi;
Deasupra criptei negre a sfintului mormânt
Se scutura salcimii de toamna si de vint,
Se bat încet din ramuri, ingina glasul tau...
Mereu se vor tot bate, tu vei dormi mereu.

Când voi muri, iubito, la crestet să nu-mi plingi;
Din teiul sfânt si dulce o ramura să fringi,
La capul meu cu grija tu ramura s-o-ngropi,
Asupra ei să cada a ochilor tai stropi;
Simti-o-voi odata umbrind mormintul meu...
Mereu va creste umbra-i, eu voi dormi mereu.

Iar daca impreuna va fi ca să murim,
Să nu ne duca-n triste zidiri de tintirim,
Mormintul să ni-l sape la margine de râu,
Ne puna-n incaperea aceluiasi sicriu;
De-a pururea aproape vei fi de sinul meu...
Mereu va plânge apa, noi vom dormi mereu.

1880, 1 aprilie

Mihail Eminescu
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