go back - inapoi | ||
What's the reason? Was it knowledge? Was it spirit? There was nothing to confirm it... |
De ce toate astea? A fost spirit? A fost numar? N-a fost suflet sa-l socoata |
Suddenly a dot of energy is born And bears the time and space within. The Holy Three are seizing power, They write the law to be the ruler, |
Cauza un punct de energie naste Timp si spatiu in el ascunde. Cele trei preiau puterea... Si scriu legea ce viata va crea, |
And everything expands and swells, |
Cu viteza ametitoare universul |
In the heat of thousand hells. |
Creste-n timp si spatiu. |
In time the atoms sprang, In the form of yin and yang, In an world of unborn star Where heat is still the czar... |
Din energie cu timpul se separa, Gazele ce miine pieptul tau vor respira. E inca o lume fara a stelelor lumina, Si nimic nu pare viata s-o prezica... |
The time is gone... The stars are born |
Timpul trece, altul vine Stea se naste, stea apune, |
And the galaxies are formed From dust and force that stormed... |
Din cenusa ei o alta stea rasare Prima galaxie in univers apare. |
The time is gone... The life and death are born You and me a couple formed Our hearts by love are stormed... |
Timpul trece... trece... Viata naste, moarte-aduce. Eu pe tine te iubesc, Si cu tine ma-nsotesc. |
The time is gone... The life is over... |
Ziua trece, anul trece... Viata ne-o petrece. |
Our hearts are still and cold And my love is to be told. |
Ale noastre inimi reci si mute, In a stelelor cenusa-s asternute. |
What's the reason of all that? ...we can only chat. April 2000 Gabriel Ditu |
De ce toate astea? Nu pe mine ma-ntreba... ...intreaba a stelei raza. Aprilie 2000 Gabriel Ditu |