This page is addressed to the people who want more information on how to reach the Annual South Pacific Start Party, which is held each year at Wiruna (Aboriginal for "Sunset") NSW Australia.
Wiruna is the ASNSW's premier dark sky observing site near Ilford, about 3 hours drive North West of Sydney.
I am not going to illustrate how to go to Ilford because there are maps showing you that.
After you enter in Ilford, coming from Litgow on the right side of the road watch for "Ilford Roadhouse" sign, mounted on a tall metal pole. See the left picture. |
Imediatdly after the "Ilford Roadhouse" there is a T-junction and indicators pointing left to SPSP and Sofala Road. Take this road. See the left picture. |
Coming from Ilford on Sofala Road, on the right hand side, there is an indicator pointing left to a dirt road named "Tara Loop". See the left picture. DO NOT turn left at this sign and keep going ahead on the sealed road. There will be a second sign pointing left to "Tara Loop". |
Further on, on the left side of the road coming from Ilford, there is a sign "Area Rest. 400m". See the left picture. Reduce speed and look on the right hand side for the "Tara Loop" and "SPSP" indicators. |
400m from the "Rest Area" sign there is on the right side of the road, coming from Ilford, indicators "Tara Loop" and "SPSP" pointing to a dirt road on the left hand side. See the left picture. Take this road. |
This is the dirt road to SPSP and on the left side you can see the Rest Area referenced above. You don't need a 4 wheel drive. See the left picture. |
On the left side of the road you pass along a property called Redbank. Keep going. See the left picture. |
Not far away, you arive at a junction. There is an idicator to "Old Ilford Road" and "SPSP". Turn right on "Old Ilford Road". See the left picture. |
Not far from this juntion on the right side of the road is the entrance to Wiruna.
Congartulations. You arrived at Wiruna. |