The years have sped, and time still swiftly flies Since that first sacred hour in which we met; But how we loved I can no more forget, Sweet wonder with cold hands and such big eyes. O, come again ! Your words inspire me yet, While your soft gaze upon me gently lies, That neath its ray new life in me shall rise, And you new songs upon my lyre beget. When you come near to me you little know How soothed my heart is then, as though with balm, As when some star does in the heavens show; Your childish smile so full of tender charm Has power to quench this life drawn out in woe And fill my eyes with fire, my soul with calm. Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Sunt ani la mijloc si-nca multi vor trece Din ceasul sfânt în care ne-ntilniram, Dar tot mereu gândesc cum ne iubiram, Minune cu ochi mari si mâna rece. O, vino iar! Cuvinte dulci inspira-mi, Privirea ta asupra mea se plece, Sub raza ei mã lasa a petrece Si cânturi noua smulge tu din lira-mi. Tu nici nu stii a ta apropriere Cum inima-mi de-adânc o linisteste, Ca rasarirea stelei în tacere; Iar când te vad zimbind copilareste, Se stinge-atunci o viata de durere, Privirea-mi arde, sufletul îmi creste. 1879, 1 oct. Mihail Eminescu |
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