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English language
Limba Romana
Sparkling haze, across the heavens
Rising slow the silver moon,
She has gathered from the water
And upon the pastures strewn.

In the valley many flowers
On the cobwebs jewels strung,
Countless gems, of countless colours,
On the cloak of evening hung.

O'er the lake the clouds in passing,
Cast a soft transparent shade,
Which the ripples rolling boulders
With their radiance invade.

Came at night a little maiden
Silently the reeds among,
And a rose of flaming scarlet
On the water surface flung.

For her own sweet image gazing,
Marvelled how the ripples stirred...
Ay, that lake is long enchanted
By the saint Mercury's word.

Flung a rose of flaming scarlet
That the water's mirror blurred...
Scarlet roses are enchanted
By the saint Veneryts word.

Long she gazes. Hair soft, golden,
O'er her face the moon's pale light,
While within her eyes of violet
All times fairy tales unite.

Translated by

Corneliu M. Popescu
Neguri albe, stralucite
Naste luna argintie,
Ea le scoate peste ape,
Le intinde pe cimpie;

S-adun flori in sezatoare
De painjen tort sa rumpa,
Si anina-n haina noptii
Boabe mari de piatra scumpa.

Linga lac, pe care norii 
Au urzit o umbra fina,
Rupta de miscari de valuri
Ca de bulgari de lumina,

Dindu-si trestia-ntr-o parte,
Sta copila lin plecata,
Trandafiri arunca rosii
Peste unda fermecata.

Ca sa vad-un chip, se uita
Cum alearga apa-n crecuri,
Caci vrajit de mult e lacul
De-un cuvint al Sfintei Miercuri;

Ca sa iasa chipu-n fata,
Trandafiri arunca tineri,
Caci vrajiti sunt trandafiri
De-un cuvint al Sfintei Vineri.

Ea se uita... Paru-i galben,
Fata ei lucesc in luna,
Iar in ochii ei albastri
Toate basmele s-aduna.

1876, 1 sept.

Mihail Eminescu
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