How many a time, beloved, no longer do I know, There seems to spread before me a sea of ice and snow; And not a single star does in the heaven shine, Only the yellow quite far away ... a sign. While o’er the drifted waste of frozen ocean there A bird with weary wings hangs In the winter air. Its mate has gone ahead, and left it all alone, Together with a flock that to the west has flown. And so it gazes after, with tired, straining eyes, But is no longer sorry now, nor glad ... and dies, While do its parting dreams the happy past pursue. .............................................................................. Day by day I’m farther, beloved one, from you, And slowly, cold and darkness to take me for their prey ... While you fly on for ever, midst time’s eternal day. Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
De cite ori, iubito, de noi mi-aduc aminte, Oceanul cel de gheata mi-apare inainte: Pe bolta alburie o stea nu se arata, Departe doara luna cea galbena - o pata; Iar peste mii de sloiuri de valuri repezite O pasare pluteste cu aripi ostenite, Pe când a ei pereche nainte tot s-a dus C-un pilc intreg de pasari, pierzindu-se-n apus. Arunca pe-a ei urma priviri suferitoare, Nici rãu nu-i pare-acuma, nici bine nu... ea moare, Visindu-se-ntr-o clipa cu anii inapoi. ................................................................... Suntem tot mai departe deolalta amindoi, Din ce în ce mai sigur mã-ntunec si inghet, Când nu te pierzi în zarea eternei dimineti. 1879, 1 dec. Mihail Eminescu |
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