High o'er the main Many stars beaming, Distantly gleaming Thus till they wane. Thunderous stroke Of green billows breaking, Creaking and quacking Great vessels of oak. Like castles far blown Adrift on the ocean, Ever in motion, Ever alone. Herons migrating Pass o'er the sky, Hurrying by, And never waiting. Fly till they fall, Yet others starting, Eternally parting... Aye, that is all. Blossoms the rose, But life has swift flowers And youth like the hours Scarce comes than it Thus every delight, No matter its reasons, Is swept by the seasons Soon out of our sight. O angels above, While I am still here To my singing give ear, To my sadness and love. For shame is it not Thus to squander scarce seeing This moment of being That is all we have got? Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Stelele-n cer Deasupra marilor Ard departarilor, Pana ce pier. Dupa un semn Clatind catargele, Tremura largele Vase de lemn; Niste cetati Plutind pe marile Si miscatoarele Pustietati. Stol de cocori Apuca-ntinsele Si necuprinsele Drumuri de nori Zboara ce pot Si-a lor intrecere, Vecinica trecere - Asta e tot... Floare de crang, Astfel vietile Si tineretile Trec si se stang. Orice noroc Si-ntinde-aripele, Gonit de clipele Starii pe loc. Pana nu mor Pleaca-te, ingere, La trista-mi plangere Plina de-amor. Nu e pacat Ca sa se lepede Clipa cea repede Ce ni s-a dat? 1879 Mihail Eminescu |
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