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English language
Foreword by Titu Maiorescu
Limba Romana
Cuvint Inainte de Titu Maiorescu
The present collection of Eminescu's poetry includes all those poems which have appeared in "Convorbiri Literare" over the last twelve years as well as others which have, until now, remained in manuscript form in private possession.

Publication is taking place in the poet's absence from the country. He has always been too unconcerned and unambitious about the future fate of his work to have been persuaded to work on a similar collection himself, despite the insistence of his literary friends.

The poems, as they appear in the following pages, have not been reviewed by Eminescu and do not, therefore, include the corrections he intended to make to them, in particular to the earlier ones (Venus and Madonna, Mortua Est, Egypt, Night, Guardian Angel, Emperor and Proletarian, A Dacian's Prayer, Angel and Demon).

Nevertheless, if I have published these latter poems along with the others as they stand, I have done so out of a sense of duty to literature. Lovers of our literature had to be offered easier access to all the poetic works, even the early ones, of a writer who has been endowed with the gift to substantiate beauty, under whose spell the Romanian language appears to be reborn.

Bucharest, December 1883

Titu Maiorescu
Colectia de fata cuprinde toate poesiile lui Eminescu publicate in "Convorbiri Literare" de vre-o doisprezece ani incoace, precum si cele aflate pana acum numai in manuscript pe la unele persoane particulare.

Publicarea se face in lipsa poetului din tara. El a fost totdeauna prea impersonal si prea nepasator de soarta lucrarilor sale, pentru a fi putut fi induplecat sa se ingrijeasca insus de o asemenea culegere, cu toata staruinta amicilor sai literari.

Poesiile, asa cum se presinta in paginile urmatoare, nu sunt dar revazute de Eminescu si sunt prin urmare lipsite de indreptarile ce avea de gind sa le faca, cel putin la cele vechi (Venere si Madona, Mortua est, Egipetul, Noaptea, Inger de paza, Imparat si proletar, Rugaciunea unui Dac, Inger si Demon).

Daca totus am publicat si aceste poesii impreuna cu celelalte asa cum se gasesc, am facut-o dintr'un simtimant de datorie literara. Trebuiau sa devie mai usor accesibile pentru iubitorii de literatura noastra toate scrierile poetice, chiar si cele incepatoare, a le unui autor, care a fost inzestrat cu darul de a intrupa intr'o frumuseta de forme, subt al carei farmec limba romana pare a primi o noua viata.

Bucuresti, Decemvrie 1883

Titu Maiorescu
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