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English language
Limba Romana
What do you seek where moon is spending
Her bright glow on trembling spring,
And the birds a song unending
In among the branches sing?
Don't you hear amid the dingle
How the leaves with whispers sweet
Softly kiss and intermingle
Through the forest's cool retreat.?

In what moving mirror showing
Have you watched the ripples play,
When the water's endless flowing
'Neath your gaze its course did stay?
In each sound new life is teeming,
May has from the forest gone,
Only you are wonder dreaming
Like the youthful Endymion.

Why do you so lonely wander,
Hark the spring's small secret sound?
Fall asleep where tall tress squander
Their green carpet on the ground?
Through the woods with twilight laden
Ripples cool and shadows there,
Do you wait a fairy maiden
With big eyes and shoulders bare?

Ah! Amid the branches bending,
Hands of snow that part the glade,
Softly through the woodland wending,
Lonely, lithesome, lovely maid,
On her back a golden quiver,
To the chase her path does wind,
And upon the leaves a shiver,
Scarce a footprint leaves behind.

Translated by

Corneliu M. Popescu
Ce cauti unde bate luna
Pe-un alb isvor tremurator
Si unde pasarile-ntr-una
Se-ntrec cu glas ciripitor?
N-auzi cum frunzele-n poiana
Soptesc cu glasul de guri
Ce se saruta, se hirjoana
In umbra-adinca de paduri?

In cea oglinda miscatoare
Vrei sa privesti un straniu joc,
O apa vecinic calatoare
Sub ochiul tau ramas pe loc?
S-a desprimavarat padurea,
E-o noua viata-n orice zvon,
Si numai tu gindesti aiurea,
Ca tinarul Endymion.

De ce doresti singuratate
Si glasul tainic de izvor?
S-auzi cum codrul frunza-si bate,
S-adormi pe verdele covor?
Iar prin lumina cea rarita,
Din valuri reci, din umbre moi,
S-apara-o zina linistita
Cu ochii mari si umeri goi?

Ah! acum crengile le-ndoaie
Minute albe de omat,
O fata dulce si balaie,
Un trup inalt si mladiet.
Un arc de aur pe-al ei umar,
Ea trece mindra la vinat
Si peste frunze fara numar
Abia o urma a lasat.

1884, 1 febr

Mihail Eminescu
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