![]() LASA-TI LUMEA...
Come dear, set your world apart And on me yourself bestow; Even should I take your heart, No one in the world would know. Come, let us a wandering leave Down steep winding sylvan ways And amidst the twilight eve Listen what the forest says. O’er our path amidst the trees Stars will silently appear; Come dear one, except for these, No one in the world will hear. Your gold hair you will untwist And most lovely you will be; Should I hug you, don’t resist, No one in the world will see. Now the distant bagpipes’ croon Does the sacred night invade, While appears the climbing moon O’er the silver beech-tree’s glade. And amidst the boughs her light Does enchanted shadows trace; And I lose my senses quite Gazing dear upon your face. But you sigh and turn away, You would dwell, yet do not dare, You would go, and yet you stay, Angel you with hanging hair. Look, the water’s iridescent Where the moon in splendour shines. And within the lake her crescent Its sweet loneliness enshrines. On its surface starlight trembles, Ripples through the rushes creep; In its dreams the world assembles And it cannot fall asleep. While your lovely face beguiling Holds it a mirror there, What do you regard in smiling? Don’t you know that you are fair? Blue the starlit heavens high, Stars that in the water glow, On the lake and in the sky, Stars above and stars below. Here the lime-tree’s scent is blown, Here the twilight casts its spell, And we two are quite alone, And so happy words can’t tell. Lonely hangs the moon at rest O’er the stream where vapour furls, And I close you to my breast Maiden mine, with golden curls. Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu |
Lasa-ti lumea ta uitata, Mi te da cu totul mie, De ti-ai da viata toata, Nime-n lume nu ne stie. Vin' cu mine, rataceste Pe carari cu cotituri, Unde noaptea se trezeste Glasul vechilor paduri. Printre crengi scinteie stele, Farmec dind cararii strimte, Si afara doar de ele Nime-n lume nu ne simte. Parul tau ti se desprinde Si frumos ti se mai sede, Nu zi ba de te-oi cuprinde, Nime-n lume nu ne vede. Tinguiosul bucium suna, L-ascultam cu atita drag, Pe cind iese dulce luna Dintr-o rariste de fag. Ii raspunde codrul verde Fermecat si dureros, Iara sufletu-mi se pierde Dupa chipul tau frumos. Te desfaci c-o dulce sila, Mai nu vrei si mai te lasi. Ochii tai sint plini de mila, Chip de inger dragalas. Iata lacul. Luna plina Poleindu-l, il strabate; El aprins de-a ei lumina, Simte-a lui singuratate. Tremurind cu unde-n spume, Intre trestie le farma Si visind o-ntreaga lume Tot nu poate sa adoarma. De-al tau chip el se patrunde, Ca oglinda il alege - Ce privesti zimbind in unde? Esti frumoasa, se-ntelege. Inaltimile albastre Pleaca zarea lor pe dealuri, Aratind privirii noastre Stelele-n ceruri, stelele-n valuri. E-un miros de tei in cringuri, Dulce-i umbra de rachiti Si sintem atit de singuri Si atit de fericiti! Numai luna printre ceata Varsa apelor vapaie, Si te afla strinsa-n brate, Dulce dragoste balaie. 1883, dec. Mihail Eminescu |
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